Fishing Tackle Books Published between 1600-2005 The best fishing tackle and fishing gear book collection on the web! |
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Bailey, J. (1999). The young fishing enthusiast. New York, DK Pub. Book.
An introduction to the basic techniques of fishing, including advice on tackle, bait, and clothing.
Barham, R. (1995). Fishing widow's guide: how to tackle (and tickle) the angler in your life, Robson.
Barsky, S. M. (1997). Spearfishing for skin and scuba divers. Flagstaff, Ariz., Best Pub. Co.
Bjordal, A. and S. Løkkeborg (1996). Longlining. Oxford [England]; Cambridge, Mass., USA, Fishing News Books.
Budworth, G. (1999). Hamlyn book of fishing knots. London, Hamlyn.
Budworth, G. (1999). Hamlyn fishing knots: fundamental knots, loop knots, joining knots, hook, lure, swivel and sinker knots, other useful knots. London, Hamlyn.
Campbell, A. J. (1997). Classic and antique fly-fishing tackle: a guide for collectors and anglers. New York, Lyons & Burford Publishers.
Dorsey, E. M. and J. Pederson (1998). Effects of fishing gear on the sea floor of New England. Boston, Mass., Conservation Law Foundation.
Dowden, N. (1995). Old fishing tackle. Princes Risborough, Shire.
Fernández Román, E. (1999). Fisherman's guide to tackle: essesntial hints tactics and techniques. Shrewsbury, Swan Hill.
Fernández Román, E. (1999). The fisherman's guide to tackle: essesntial hints, tactics and techniques. Shrewsbury, Swan Hill.
Great Britain. Marine Accident Investigation, B. (1999). Report of the Inspector's investigation into the loss of the fishing vessel Blue Hooker PW250 with two lives on 12 November 1998 of Blackchurch Rock, North Devon. [Southampton, Marine Accident Investigation Branch.
Green, L. (1995). The challenge of light tackle. London, Blandford.
Harvey Jonathan, P. (1996). The evaluation and development of electric fishing gears and sampling strategies for the assessment of fish stocks in large water bodies, University of Hull.
Houston, J. (1999). Hooked for life. Nashville, Tenn., Countryman.
Irish Sea Fisheries, B. and F. European Commission. Directorate-General for (1997). The physical interaction between grey seals and fishing gear. [Dublin], Bord Iascaigh Mhara.
Japanese Society of Fisheries, S. (1998). Selectivity of fishing gear in coastal fisheries I: net gear, Japanese Society of Fisheries Science.
Jennings, G. H. (1999). A manual of hookless fishing: a guide to the capture & transportation of living specimens: the 1999 re-issue. [London?], Calypso.
Kim, Y.-H. (1996). Developing a model of fish behaviour to towed fishing gear, University of Aberdeen.
Laurenson, C., D. Beveridge, et al. (1997). The potential short term economic impacts of square-mesh panels on the Shetland inshore fishing fleet. Scalloway, North Atlantic Fisheries College.
Luckey, C. F. (1996). Old fishing lures and tackle: an identification and value guide. Florence, AL, Books Americana.
Luckey, C. F. (1999). Old fishing lures & tackle. Iola, WI, Krause Publications.
Maas, T. (1998). Bluewater hunting and freediving. Ventura, Calif., BlueWater Freedivers.
Maddocks, K. and J. Cundiff (1997). The Beekay guide to carp rigs. Henlow, Beekay International.
McGilvray, J. (1995). A summary of by-catch reduction devices. Deception Bay, Queensland, Queensland Department of Primary Industries.
Meintjes, M. (1996). Trout through the looking b- sglass: tackle and techniques for Southern African flyfishers. Edenvale, South Africa, The Entrepot.
Montaigne, F. (1999). Hooked: fly-fishing through Russia. London, Phoenix.
Morris, S. and B. M. Chan (1999). Morris & Chan on fly fishing trout lakes. Portland, Or., F. Amato Publications.
Mussen, W. A. (1998). Fishing tackle source directory. Jefferson, N.C., McFarland.
Nédélec, C., C. Office for Official Publications of the European, et al. (1996). Fishing gear in the European Community. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Newman, B. (1999). Saltwater angler's guide to the Southeast: flyfishing and light tackle in the Carolinas and Georgia. Belgrade, Mont., Wilderness Adventures Press.
Patrick, B. A. (1996). Spearfishing and underwater hunting handbook: beginner through advanced. St. Petersburg, FL, Active Adventure Pub.
Perkins, L. and G. Norman (1999). A sportsman's life: how I built Orvis by mixing business and sport. New York, Atlantic Monthly Press.
Pfeiffer, C. B. (1999). Our fishing heritage: tackle & equipment. Minnetonka, Minn., North American Fishing Club.
Pfeiffer, C. B. and C. B. Pfeiffer (1999). The complete book of tackle making. New York, Lyons Press.
Pfeiffer, C. B. and C. B. Pfeiffer (1999). The Field & stream tackle care and repair handbook. New York, NY, Lyons Press.
Rahman, F. A., J. Prado, et al. (1995). FAO/INFOFISH/SEAFDEC workshop on research in the selectivity of fishing gear and methods in South East Asia and selective shrimp fishing. FAO fisheries circular; no 902, [np].
Richard, G., L. Clayton, et al. (1998). Responsible fishing in Canada. Ottawa, Program Planning and Coordination, Fisheries Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Roman, E. F. and C. L. McKelvie (1999). Fisherman's guide to tackle: hints on fishing tackle and tactics. Shrewsbury, Swan Hill.
Schultz, K. (1996). The art of trolling: a complete guide to freshwater methods and tackle. Camden, Me., Ragged Mountain Press.
Sipperly, D. and T. Maas (1998). Freedive! Ventura, Calif., BlueWater Freedivers.
Streeks, N. (1995). Drift boat fly fishing: a river guide's sage advice. Portland, Or., Frank Amato.
Sumaila, U. R. (1999). Impact of management scenarios and fishing gear selectivity on the potential economic gains from Namibian hake. Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute.
Thomas, G. and N. Bray (1997). Thomas & Bray's stillwater fly swotter. Shrewsbury, Swan Hill.
Turner, J. L. (1996). The collectors guide to the Helin Tackle Company. [Detroit? Mich.], J.L. Turner.
Vedder, D. (1995). Float fishing for steelhead: techniques & tackle. Portland, F. Amato.
Vedder, D. and D. Harthorn (1996). Steelhead jig fishing: techniques & tackle. Portland, Or., F. Amato.
Walsh, S. J. and International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. (1999). Theme session on the catching performance of fishing gears used in surveys, 1997: a selection of papers presented at theme session W on 26-27 September 1997 during the ICES Annual Science Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. London, Published by Academic Press for International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Wileman, D. A. and International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. (1996). Manual of methods of measuring the selectivity of towed fishing gears. Copenhagen, Denmark, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
Wilson, G. (1995). Scottish fishing boats. Beverley, North Humberside, The Hutton Press Ltd.
Wilson, J. and T. Housby (1997). The complete book of fishing: tackle, techniques, species, bait. London, Hamlyn.
Wong, J., J. Ma, et al. (1995). China's rural entrepreneurs: ten case studies. Singapore, Times Academic Press.
Wright, L. M. (1999). The complete fisherman. New York, Lyons Press.
Yewlett, G. (1996). 'Unvisible' hooks and signals, catch trout. Wokingham (42 Ditchfield Lane, Wokingham, Berks, RG40 4HP), Jogger.
Zinkin, T. and K. McGovern (1995). The fishing hook. Oxford, Oxford University Press.