Fishing Tackle Books Published between 1600-2005 The best fishing tackle and fishing gear book collection on the web! |
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(1987). Artes de pesca = Fishing gear: glossarium. Luxembourg, Office des publications officielles des Communautes europeennes.
(1988). Results of the statistical frame survey of the small-scale fisheries in Sierra Leone 1981 & the fishing gear inventory survey 1984. Tombo, Fisheries Pilot Project.
American Fishing Tackle Manufacturers Association. and NPD Special Industry Services (Port Washington N.Y.) (1985). Sport fishing participation in. Arlington Heights, Ill., The Association: v.
Arnosky, J. (1986). Flies in the water, fish in the air: a personal introduction to fly fishing. New York, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books.
An anecdotal account of the pleasures of fly fishing, discussing the choice and use of tackle, kinds of flies, walking in water, and watching for fish.
Bates, J. D. (1988). Fishing: an encyclopedic guide to tackle and tactics for fresh and salt water. New York, Gramercy Pub. Co.: Distributed by Crown.
Begbie, E. and P. Hardwick (1981). The Sportsman's companion. Hindhead, Surrey, Saiga.
Bridger, J. P. (1981). Glossary of United Kingdom fishing gear terms. Farnham, Fishing News.
Cabinet, O. and I. Great Britain. Dept. of Trade and (1983). On certain items of fishing tackle (fishing flies). London, Cabinet Office.
Cabinet, O. and I. Great Britain. Dept. of Trade and (1983). On the special situation of Mauritius with regard to certain items of fishing tackle. London, Cabinet Office.
Carr, R. (1986). Sling your hook! a cartoonist's angle on fishing. Poole, Javelin.
Cho, T. a.-h. o., P. o.-m. Yi, et al. (1989). Hy*ondae Han*guk *ogu togam = Modern fishing gear of Korea. Ky*ong Nam, The Republic of Korea, Kungnip Susan Chinh*ungw*on.
Christie's and Edminston's (1983). Sporting and topographical pictures, drawings, prints and books, fishing rods, reels and tackle. golf clubs and associated items, antique arms and armour, miscellaneous sporting equipment: which will be sold by auction. on Friday 25 November 1983. Glasgow, Christie's & Edminston's.
Commission of the European, C. (1987). Glossarium: artes de pesca. fishing gear. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Commission of the European, C. (1987). Glossarium: artes de pesca, fiskeredskaber, fischfanggerĂ€t, Alieutika ergaleia, fishing gear, engins de pĂȘche, attrezzi da pesca, vistuig, artes de pesca. Luxembourg, Commission of the European Communities.
Davies, W. E. (1985). Fly dressing and some tackle-making. Kingswood, Elliot Right Way.
Deavin, R. J. and G. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Members (1986). Fishing tackle shops survey, August-October 1985. Sandy, RSPB Members' Group.
Dunaway, V. (1984). Vic Dunaway's complete book of baits, rigs & tackle: freshwater/saltwater. Miami, Fla., Wickstrom Publishers.
Elkins, M. R. H. (1987). The epidemiology of hookworm, whipworm and pinworm in a Southern Indian fishing community: 255 leaves, [4] leaves of plates.
Evanoff, V. (1981). A complete guide to fishing. New York, N.Y., Crowell.
Explains how to use a variety of poles, tackle, baits, and lures; describes fresh and saltwater fish; and presents rules of good sportsmanship.
Falkus, H. and F. Buller (1987). Freshwater fishing: Falkus and Buller's Freshwater fishing, a book of tackles and techniques with some notes on various fish, fish recipes, fishing safety and Sundry other matters. London, Stanley Paul.
Falkus, H. and F. Buller (1988). Falkus and Buller's Freshwater fishing: a book of tackles and techniques with some notes on various fish, fish recipes, fishing safety and sundry other matters. London, Stanley Paul.
Ferro, R. S. T. and E. H. Hou (1984). A selected review of hydrodynamic force coefficient data on stranded wires used in fishing gear. Aberdeen, Marine Laboratory.
Florida Sea Grant College. (1988). Yellowfin tuna: fishing gear, production and quality: a compilation of papers. Gainesville, FL (Bldg. 803, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611), The Program.
Food and Agriculture, O. and O. Food and Agriculture (1987). Catalogue of small-scale fishing gear: Catalogue des engins de peche artisanale: Catalogo de artes de pesca artesanal. Farnham, Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Fishing News.
Fox, S. G., J. Huntington, et al. (1989). World Symposium on Fishing Gear and Fishing Vessel Design, 1988, Marine Institute, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada: proceedings. St. John's, Nfld., Newfoundland and Labrador Institute of Fisheries and Marine Technology.
Fridman, A. L. (1987). Calculations for Fishing Gear Design, Fishing News Bks.
Fridman, A. L., P. J. G. Carrothers, et al. (1986). Calculations for fishing gear designs. Farnham [Surrey], Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Fishing News Books.
Garner, J. (1988). Modern deep sea trawling gear. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News.
George, V. C. and Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (India) (1981). Indigenous marine fishing gear and methods of India. Part 1, Karnataka State. Cochin, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology.
Golad, F. S. (1989). The Sports afield fishing almanac. New York, NY, N. Lyon Books.
Graham, J. M. (1989). Fishing tackle of yesterday: a collector's guide. Peebles, J.M. Graham.
Hairing, P. (1989). Hook, line and laughter: a haul of 18 humorous fishing stories. London, W.H. Allen.
Hamabe, M., C. Hamuro, et al. (1982). Squid jigging from small boats. Farnham, Surrey, England, Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Fishing News Books Ltd.
Harris, B. (1989). The Guiness book of sea fishing: light tackle technique for British waters. London, Guinness.
Holden, J. (1982). Long distance casting: a complete guide to tackle and technique. Marlborough, Crowood.
Holden, J. (1983). The beach fisherman's tackle guide: rods, reels, accessories, rigs maintenance, and timing. Marlborough, Crowood.
Holgate, J. (1987). Lure fishing for pike. Lancaster, Castabout Publications.
Johnson, J. E. (1985). Spearfishing competitions in South Australia, 1983-1984. Adelaide, S. Aust., Dept. of Fisheries.
Jonaitis, A. (1981). Tlingit halibut hooks: an analysis of the visual symbols of a rite of passage. New York, American Museum of Natural History.
Kewley, C. and H. Farrar (1987). Fishing tackle for collectors. London; New York, N.Y., Sotheby's Publications.
Kimball, A. and S. Kimball (1980). Collecting old fishing tackle: a guide to identifying and collecting old fishing tackle. Boulder Junction, Wis., Aardvark Publications.
Klust, G. and O. Food and Agriculture (1983). Fibre ropes for fishing gear. Farnham, Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Fishing News Books.
Klust, G. and N. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United (1982). Netting materials for fishing gear. Farnham, Surrey, Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Fishing News Books.
Kondrat'ev, V. P., United States. National Marine Fisheries Service., et al. (1980). Modeling commercial fishing gear by the method of analog mechanisms. New Delhi, Amerind.
Ladle, M. and H. Casey (1988). Lure fishing: a new approach to spinning. London, Black.
Ladle, M. and A. Vaughan (1988). Hooked on bass. Marlborough, Crowood.
Main, J. and G. I. Sangster (1983). TUV II: a towed wet submersible for use in fishing gear research. Aberdeen, Marine Lab.
Marine Institute (St. John's Nfld.) (1989). Proceedings, World Symposium on Fishing Gear and Fishing Vessel Design, 1988. St. John's, Nfld, Marine Institute.
Marine Institute, N. (1989). World symposium on fishing gear and fishing vessel design. IDRC-LIB 81338. Ottawa, IDRC.
Mayes, J. (1986). How to make and repair your own fishing tackle: an illustrated step-by-step guide for the fisherman and hobbyist. New York, Dodd, Mead.
Merritt, P. R. (1980). Basic tackle rigs for beach and boat angling. London, Black.
Miller, J. (1987). The Dunkeld collection. [Dunkeld, J. Miller.
Miller, J. and J. Booth (1987). Antique fishing tackle: Hardy reels. Birnam, Jess Miller.
Minns, J. and E. British (1982). One man, one rod at the British Engineerium: an illustrated exhibition guide and souvenir catalogue. [Hove, British Engineerium.
Mitchell, J. (1987). Stillwater trout: tackle and techniques. London, Pelham.
Mohapatra, P. and Bay of Bengal Programme. Development of Small-Scale Fisheries. (1986). Traditional marine fishing craft and gear of Orissa. Madras, Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal.
Munger, A. J. (1980). Fishing and collecting old reel & tackle & history with Albert J. Munger. [Philadelphia, Pa.] (2235 Ritter St., Phila. 19125), A.J. Munger.
National Geographic Society. Cartographic, D. (1984). The making of America. Washington, D.C., The Society.
National Maritime, M. (1986). Hooking, drifting and trawling: 500 years of British deep sea fishing. London, National Maritime Museum.
Nature Conservancy, C. (1986). Alternatives to lead weights for anglers. Peterborough, Nature Conservancy Council.
Nedelec, C. (1982). Definition and classification of fishing gear categories. Rome, F.A.O.
Nedelec, C. (1987). Food and Agriculture Organization Catalogue of Small Scale Fishing Gear, Fishing News Bks.
New South Wales State Fisheries. (1980). Proceedings of the 1977 Fishing Gear Workshop, Sydney, April 18-22, 1977. Sydney, N.S.W. State Fisheries.
Newfoundland. Fishing Industry Advisory Board. and Newfoundland Oceans Research and Development Corporation. (1981). An Assessment of the fuel efficiency of vessel/gear combinations in use in the Newfoundland fishery. St. John's, Nfld., Fishing Industry Advisory Board.
O, H. u.-g. and Kungnip Susan Chinh*ungw*on. (1987). *Ogu pullyu mit kakpu my*ongch*ing = Classification and terms of fishing gear. Pusan, Kungnip Susan Chinh*ungw*on.
Parker, C. (1985). Sling your hook. London, Sphere.
Pfeiffer, C. B. (1987). Tackle care: the tackle maintenance handbook. New York, NY, N. Lyons Books.
Pingguo, H. E. (1986). Swimming performance of three species of marine fish and some aspects of swimming in fishing gears, University of Aberdeen.
Prado, J. and O. Food and Agriculture (1987). FAO Catalogue of small-scale fishing gear. Farnham, Fishing News.
Prichard, M. (1983). Michael Prichard's pocket guide to bait and lures. London, Collins.
Rickards, B. and K. Whitehead (1987). Spinning and plug fishing: an illustrated textbook. Woodbridge Suffolk, Boydell Press.
Rickards, B., K. Whitehead, et al. (1981). Fishing tackle: making, maintenance and improvement. London, Black.
Rodeick, C. A. and Stream Time (Firm) (1988). Eel River fishing access. Cotati, CA, Stream Time.
Sainsbury, J. C. (1986). Commercial fishing methods: an introduction to vessels and gears. Farnham [Surrey], Fishing News Books.
Schwiebert, E. G. (1983). Trout tackle. New York, E.P. Dutton.
Smith, T. (1981). Fisherman's mirror: tackle - tips - tactics: - a great haul of news and views for the start of the season! London, Mirror Books for Mirror Group Newspapers.
Swan, R. (1986). Light tackle fishing guides of North America. Reno, Nev., Clear Water Press.
Topolniski, D., L. Anderson, et al. (1984). An economic survey of Saskatchewan's outfitting industry. [Regina], Saskatchewan Tourism and Small Business.
Treshchev, A. I., Ed. (1988). Orudiia i sposoby rybolovstva: voprosy teorii i praktiki. Moskva, Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii institut morskogo rybnogo khoziaistva i okeanografii.
Turner, G. (1989). Fishing tackle: a collector's guide. London, Ward Lock.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation. (1986). Fishing vessel safety and insurance issues: hearing before the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Navigation of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-ninth Congress, second session, on the safety of fishing vessels and gear for the protection of crewmen and related problems, such as liability of owners and insurance, May 23, 1986, Seattle, WA. Washington, [D.C.], U.S. G.P.O.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.
Vare, A. (1987). The Hardy book of fisherman's knots: recommended and tried knots for the sport fisherman. London, [s.n.].
Waller, P. (1989). One hundred years of fishing tackle. [Sutton, The Author].
Way, D. (1981). The spearfisherman's handbook. London, Hale.
White, K. T. (1987). Fishing tackle antiques: National Fishing Tackle Museum: reference and evaluation of pre-World War II tackle. Arcadia, OK (P.O. Box 169, Arcadia 73007), K.T. White.
Whitehead, K. and R. Birkett (1989). Hooks, lines and knots for coarse fishing. London, Ward Lock.
Wilson, L. D. (1980). Encyclopedia of fishing lures. New York; London, Barnes.
Wood, G. (1989). Legering: tackle & techniques. London, Stanley Paul.
Wyche, C. J. (1984). Experiments on the schooling behaviour of marine fish in relation to fishing gears.