Fishing Tackle Books Published between 1600-2005 The best fishing tackle and fishing gear book collection on the web! |
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Baranov, F. I. and E. Vilim (1977). Selected works on fishing gear. Israel, Program for Scientific Translations.
Bartles, B. (1975). Match fishing tackle and baits. London, A. and C. Black.
Bates, L. V., J. B. Walker, et al. (1971). Fly tying, rod and tackle making. London, Barrie and Jenkins.
Becker, A. C. (1970). Lure fishing. South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes.
Betti, R. (1971). Le prede sportive del sub. Pisa, Nistri-Lischi.
British Association of Fishing Tackle Makers and, D. (1977). Members trade directory and index of registered and user brands, London.
Buchanan, N. (1977). The technological economics of fishing. Edinburgh (White Fish Authority, 10 Young St., Edinburgh EH2 4JQ), Fishery Economics Research Unit.
Bullis, H. R. and J. R. Thompson (1970). Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base, Pascgoula, Mississippi: July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1969. Washington, U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.
Burch, M. (1977). The outdoorsman's workshop. New York, Winchester Press.
Burrell, L. F. G. (1972). Beginner's guide to home coarse tackle making. London, Pelham Books.
Burrell, L. F. G. (1976). Make your own sea-angling tackle. London, Pelham.
Canada. Translation Bureau. Terminology and Documentation Directorate. (1977). Bateaux et engins de pêche = Boats and fishing gear. [Ottawa], La Direction.
Chou, Y.-h. (1977). Chung ts*eng t*o wang yü yeh ti yü chü yü fa yen chiu = Studies on fishing gear and methods of midwater trawling.
Cook, J. J., W. L. Wisner, et al. (1977). Coastal fishing for beginners. New York, Dodd, Mead.
Discusses tackle, fishing techniques, and the bait used for saltwater fishing and describes the various fish commonly found in coastal waters.
Cordes, R. and D. Zahner (1978). Fly fisherman's complete guide to fishing with the fly rod. New York, Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.
Data Research, G. (1977). United Kingdom fishing tackle shops. Amersham, The Group.
Davies, W. E. (1979). Make your own fishing tackle. Kingswood, Surrey, Elliot Right Way Books.
Evanoff, V. (1975). Make your own fishing lures. South Brunswick; New York; London, Barnes: Yoseloff.
Evanoff, V. (1977). The fisherman's catalog. Garden City, N.Y., Dolphin Books.
Falkus, H. and F. Buller (1975). Falkus and Buller's Freshwater fishing: a book of tackles and techniques with some notes on various fishes, fish recipes, fishing safety and other matters. London, Macdonald and Jane's.
Falkus, H. and F. Buller (1975). Falkus and Buller's freshwater fishing: a book of tackles and techniques with some notes on various fishes, fish recipes, fishing safety and sundry other matters. London (8 Shepherdess Walk, N1 7LB), Macdonald and Jane's.
Fallon, J. (1975). All about surf fishing: a complete guide to fishing the ocean's edges, including bridges, jetties, flats, creeks, and the high surf. New York, Winchester Press.
Discusses the sport of fishing the edges of the ocean and advises the reader on surfing strategy, fly-fishing, kite fishing and all the accompanying tackle, lures, baits, and accessories.
Food and Agriculture Organization Fishing Gear and Methods, B. (1978). FAO catalogue of fishing gear designs. Farnham, Fishing News Books.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [from old catalog] (1978). Fishing Gear and Methods Branch.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fishing Gear and Methods, B. (1978). FAO catalogue of fishing gear designs: Catalogue FAO de plans d'engins de peche = Catálogo de la FAO de planos de aparejos de pesca. Farnham, Fishing News [for] the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Fishing Gear and Methods Branch. (1972). FAO catalogue of fishing gear designs. Catalogue FAO de plans d' engins de pêche. West Byfleet, Fishing News.
Foster, J. J. and O. Food and Agriculture (1974). Otter board design and performance. Rome; (London), Food and Agriculture Organization: (H.M.S.O.).
Fridman, A. L. (1973). Theory and design of commercial fishing gear. Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations.
Garner, J. (1973). Modern inshore fishing gear; rigging and mending. West Byfleet, Fishing News.
Garner, J. (1978). Pelagic and semi-pelagic trawling gear. Farnham, Eng., Fishing News Books.
Garton, R. V. (1972). Lure of the lochs. [Blandford], R. V. Garton.
George, V. C. (1971). An account of the inland fishing gear and methods of India. Cochin, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
Goddard, J., M. Millman, et al. (1977). Big fish from salt water: a guide to tackle, techniques and species in British, European and African waters. London [etc.], E. Benn.
Griffiths, F. A. D. (1978). The lure of fly-tying. Ultimo, Murray.
Hall, B. (1971). Freshwater tackle. New York, Outdoor Life.
Hardy Arthur, E. and B. Vare Alan (1972). Beginner's guide to coarse fishing. With notes on tackle by Alan Vare. London, Pelham.
Harris, B. (1977). The Guinness guide to saltwater angling: light tackle technique for British waters. Enfield, [Eng.], Guinness Superlatives.
Henkin, H. (1976). Fly tackle: a guide to the tools of the trade. Philadelphia, Lippincott.
Henkin, H. (1977). The complete fisherman's catalog. Philadelphia, Lippincott.
Herter, G. L. (1975). Professional fly tying, spinning, and tackle making manual and manufacturers' guide. Waseca, Minn., Herter's.
Hjul, P. and G. C. Eddie (1972). The Stern trawler. London, Fishing News.
Hurum, H. J. (1977). A history of the fish hook: and the story of Mustad, the hook maker. London, A. and C. Black.
Ivanovi*c, V. (1975). Modern spearfishing. Chicago, Regnery.
Ivanovic, V. (1974). Modern spearfishing. London, Kaye and Ward.
Kokusai Ky*oryoku Jigy*odan. Kanagawa Kokusai Suisan Kensh*u Sent*a. (1978). Outline of fishing gear and method. [Tokyo], Kanagawa International Fisheries Training Centre, Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Kreh, L. and M. Sosin (1975). Practical fishing and boating knots. London, A. and C. Black.
Kristjonsson, H. (1971). Modern fishing gear of the world. 3, London.
Kristjonsson, H. and O. Food and Agriculture (1971). Modern fishing gear of the world. London (110 Fleet St., EC4A 2JL), Fishing News [for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations].
Lane, B. (1976). Float fishing: tackle and techniques for still and running water. London, Cassell.
Lewers, D. (1972). Understanding fishing tackle. [Sydney], A. H. & A. W. Reed.
Lewers, D. (1974). Understanding fishing tackle. Reprinted. Reed, Sydney, etc.
Livingston, A. D. (1974). Fishing for bass: modern tactics and tackle. Philadelphia, Lippincott.
Livingston, A. D. (1975). Advanced bass tackle and boats. Philadelphia, Lippincott.
Lyman, H. and F. Woolner (1971). Tackle talk. South Brunswick, [N.J.], A. S. Barnes.
Main, J. and G. I. Sangster (1978). The value of direct observation techniques by divers in fishing gear research. [Aberdeen], Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland.
Maine. Dept. of Marine Resources. and Maine. (1975). Navigational charts, diagrams, and information to aid in the prevention of destruction of fishing gear set out by State of Maine fishing vessels. Augusta, The Dept.
Mansfield, K. (1971). Fly tying, rod and tackle making. By L. Vernon Bates, Kenneth Mansfield, J. B. Walker. Edited by Kenneth Mansfield. London, Barrie & Jenkins.
Marshall, M. (1976). The care and repair of fishing tackle. New York, Winchester Press.
Mascall, L. and M. L (1973). A booke of fishing with hooke & line, and of all other instruments there-unto belonging; Another of sundrie engines and trappes to take polcats, buzards, rattes, mice and all other kinds of vermine & beasts whatsoever, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime. [Amsterdam; New York, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum: Da Capo Press.
McGrath, C. J. and C. European Inland Fisheries Advisory, Eds. (1971). EIFAC consultation on eel fishing gear and techniques, Hamburg, 1970. EIFAC Technical Paper; no.14, Rome.
Melner, S., H. Kessler, et al. (1972). Great fishing tackle catalogs of the golden age. New York, Crown Publishers.
Merdinyan, M. E., C. D. Mortimer, et al. (1979). Bibliography--the relationship between the development of fishing gear and the study of fish behavior. Narragansett, RI, University of Rhode Island.
Michaelson, J. and B. Harris (1974). Tackle angling. London, Paul.
Moss, F. T. (1976). Modern saltwater fishing tackle. Camden, Me., International Marine Pub. Co.
Nedelec, C. and N. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United (1975). Catalogue of small-scale fishing gear = Catalogue des engins de peche artisanale = Catalogs de artes de pesca artesanal. West Byfleet, Fishing News (Books) [for] Food and Agriculture Organization.
Nedelec, C. and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (1975). FAO catalogue of small-scale fishing gear: Catalogue des engins de peche artis anale: Catalogo de artes de pesca artesanal. West Byfleet, Surrey, Fishing News(books).
Onck, A. v. (1972). Fijne kneepjee voor de hengelaar. Wageningen, Veen.
Orton, D. (1970). Fishing tackle. London, New York, Hamlyn.
Overfield, T. D. (1978). Fifty favourite nymphs. London [etc.], E. Benn.
Parker, C. and G. Allen (1975). Hook, line and stinker. London, Wolfe.
Perosino, S. (1973). Fishing: fish, tackle and bait. London, Orbis Books.
Pfeiffer, C. B. (1974). Tackle craft. New York, Crown Publishers.
Pope, J. A. and O. Food and Agriculture (1975). Manual of methods for fish stock assessment. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Price, S. D. and R. Armstrong (1972). Lures for game, coarse and sea fishing. London, A. and C. Black.
Pursell, T. F. and G. Overlie (1976). Making fishing tackle. Minneapolis, Lerner Publications Co.
Instructions for making inexpensive rods and lures including plugs, flies, poppers, jigs, and spoons.
Rashbrook, F. and C. H. Juillard (1978). Coarse fishing: bait, tackle and technique. London, Chancerel.
Reiger, G. (1973). Profiles in saltwater angling; a history of the sport--its people and places, tackle and techniques. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall.
Rice, F. (1976). Fly-tying illustrated for nymphs and lures. Newton Abbot [etc.], David and Charles.
Rickards, B. and K. Whitehead (1977). Spinners, spoons and wobbled baits. London, A. and C. Black.
Rickards, B. and K. E. Whitehead (1976). Plugs and plug fishing. London, A. and C. Black.
Rogers, J. (1974). Raining, Porthglais.
Sosin, M. (1979). Practical light-tackle fishing. New York, N. Lyons Books.
Sotheby, Co, et al. (1970). Fishing tackle & sporting guns; silver; bagpipes; tassie medallions; English, European & Canton porcelain; animalier bronzes and Scottish & sporting paintings which will be sold by auction [at Gleneagles Hotel]. by Sotheby & Co: On:Thursday 29th August 1974. Friday 30th August. [Edinburgh], Sotheby & Co.
Sotheby Parke, B. and Co (1977). Fishing tackle, modern sporting guns and rifles, Scottish silver, bronzes, a collection of Scottish books, and Scottish and sporting paintings which will be sold by auction by Sotheby Parke Bernet. Edinburgh, Sotheby Parke Bernet.
Stockwell, G. (1978). Fly reels of the House of Hardy. London, A. & C. Black.
Subani, W. (1972). Alat dan tjara penangkapan ikan di Indonesia. Fishing gear and methods in Indonesia. Djakarta, Lembaga Penelitian Perikanan Laut.
Townsend, D. C. (1979). Game fishing devices. London, A. and C. Black.
Veniard, J. and D. Downs (1979). Modern fly-tying techniques. London, A. and C. Black.
Walker, R. (1974). Fly dressing innovations. London [etc.], E. Benn.
Walker, R. S. (1977). Successful angling: coarse fishing tackle and methods. London, Paul.
Whitehead, K. and A. Vare (1972). Knots for the angler: a modern guide to tackle typing. London, Camden Pub.
Whitehead, K. and A. Vare (1975). Knots for the angler: a modern guide to tackle tying. London, Camden Pub. Co.
Wickham, D. A. (1971). Saltwater recirculation system and laboratory at the exploratory fishing and gear research base, Pascagoula, Miss. Seattle, U.S. Department of Commerce.
Wilson, L. D. (1979). The fly-fisherman's workshop. South Brunswick, A. S. Barnes.
Wisner, W. L. (1976). The complete guide to salt and fresh water fishing equipment. New York, Service Communications.
Wrangles, A. and B. Robertshaw (1979). A line on sea fishing tackle, rigs and bait. [Havant], K. Mason.
Young, A. (1971). Sea angling: modern methods, baits and tackle. London, Barrie & Jenkins.
Young, A. (1974). Modern sea angling. London, Pan Books.