Fishing Tackle Books Published between 1600-2005 The best fishing tackle and fishing gear book collection on the web! |
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(1964). Fishing tackle trade directory and who's who. London, Fishing Tackle Dealer.
Ahmad, N. (1961). Fishing gear of East Pakistan. Dacca, East Pakistan Govt. Press.
Andreev, N. i. N., United States. Dept. of Interior. [from old catalog], et al. (1966). Handbook of fishing gear and its rigging (Spravochnik po orudiyam lova, setesnastnym materialam i promyslovomu snaryazheniyu). Jerusalem, Israel Program for Scientific Translations [available from the U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield.
Arnold, R. (1962). Making and repairing fishing tackle. London, W. & G. Foyle.
Barada, B. (1969). Underwater hunting; its techniques and adventures. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday.
Blair, C. H. and W. D. Ansel (1968). A guide to fishing boats and their gear. Cambridge, Md., Cornell Maritime Press.
Brotherton, H. (1962). Making fishing tackle as a hobby, S.Paul.
Brotherton, H. (1962). Making fishing tackle as a hobby. [With plates and illustrations.], London.
Canada. Dept. of Fisheries. [from old catalog] and Canada. National Film Board. [from old catalog] (1969). Fishing gear (Filmstrip). [n.p.], Canada Dept. of Fisheries, Ottawa. Made and released by National Film Board of Canada.
Cropp, B. (1968). Handbook for skindivers. Sydney, AFCO Pty. Ltd.
Currie, W. B. (1964). Practical fishing hints and expert advice: a collection of useful information on tackle and tactics for freshwater fishing, Oliver & Boyd.
Currie William, B. (1964). Practical Fishing. Hints and expert advice. A collection of useful information on tackle and tactics for freshwater fishing. Edited from the work of several authors by W. B. Currie. [With illustrations.]. Edinburgh, London, Oliver & Boyd.
Davies William, E. (1960). The Technique of Freshwater Fishing and Tackle Tinkering, etc. (2nd. edition, revise [sic].). Kingswood, Elliot.
Davies William, E. (1964). The Technique of Sea Fishing and Tackle Tinkering, etc. Kingswood, Elliot Right Way Books.
Directories and P. Periodical (1963). Fishing Tackle Trade Directory and Who's Who, 1963 [etc.]. London, Fishing Tackle Dealer.
Dumont, W. H. and G. T. Sundstrom (1961). Commercial fishing gear of the United States. Washington, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Evanoff, V. (1961). Modern fishing tackle. New York, Barnes.
Fletcher, D. (1961). Freshwater fishing. Tackle requirements, methods of fishing and where to fish, types of fish. [With illustrations.], London.
Food and N. Agriculture Organization Of The United (1964). [London, 1963.] Modern Fishing Gear of the World 2. Arranged. from the papers and discussions at the Second FAO World Fishing Gear Congress, etc. [With illustrations.]. London, Fishing News.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (1964). Modern fishing gear of the world 2. Farnham, Surrey, Fishing News Books, by arrangement with FAO.
Foster, B. (1963). Fishing rods & tackle: angler's guide of Foster Bros. Ashbourne, Foster Bros.
Garrad, J. P. (1960). Sea angling with the baited spoon. London, H. Jenkins.
Hind, J. A. (1967). Ships' gear: proceedings of the Technical Symposium on the Future Technical Pattern of Control Engineering, Equipment and Ship Operation, held in conjunction with the 'Ships' Gear International '66' Exhibition, Olympia. London, Fishing News.
Interpas (1961). Japanese monthly patent data. Edition 1, [Agriculture, fishing, food etc.]. 's-Hertogenbosch, Interpas.
Lal, K. B. (1969). An introduction to fishing gear technology. Delhi, Metropolitan Book Co.
Macmillen, B. (1965). Sea-fishing Tackle. [With illustrations.]. London, Herbert Jenkins.
McDonald, K. and P. Smith (1963). Spearfishing in Britain. London, S. Paul.
McMillen, B. and K. Mansfield (1965). Sea-fishing tackle. London, Jenkins.
Michaelson, J. (1968). Tackle angling this way. London, S. Paul.
Michigan. Dept. of Conservation. [from old catalog] (1962). Lakes, trout, and tackle [Motion picture]. [n.p.], Michigan Dept. of Conservation.
Mount, H. and D. C. Forbes (1969). Mr Crabtree's guide to good fishing tackle. London, Daily Mirror Books.
Murphy, R., R. Brandt, et al. (1961). The last Galway hooker. [Dublin], Dolmen Press.
Rohan-Csermak, G. d. (1963). Sturgeon hooks of Eurasia. [New York], Distributed through Current anthropology for the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
Sajid, M. A. S. (1967). Fishing population, craft, and gear of Mekran Coast. Lahore, Printed by the Superintendent, Govt. Print., West Pakistan.
Stev*ci*c, P. (1962). Underwater fishing in Yugoslavia, together with a manual of the art. Beograd, Jugoslavija.
Stoker, H. (1961). Complete Guide to Sea Fishing. Tackle drawings by author. Fish drawings by R. E. Legge. London, George Allen and Unwin.
Takahashi, Y. (1964). Kawazuri okizuri isozuri, tsuri no shikake.
Theodore, C. A. (1966). A handbook of mutual insurance systems for commercial fishing vessels and gear. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Thompson, J. R. (1968). Progress in exploratory fishing and gear research in region 2: fiscal year 1967. Washington, U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.
Wagner, M. H. (1966). Shark fishing gear: a historical review. Washington, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries.
Westcott, C. H. (1969). Deep sea fisherman. Providence, R.I., Droll Yankees DY 20.
Wolff, D. (1961). Fishing tackle and techniques. New York, Dutton.