Fishing Tackle Books Published between 1600-2005 The best fishing tackle and fishing gear book collection on the web! |
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(1906). George Washington's Fishing Tackle.
Fish hooks, line, and hook container.
(1919). Fishing, tackle and kits. Cincinnati, Stewart & Kidd company.
Aflalo Frederick, G., H. Wheeley Charles, et al. (1904). How to Buy Fishing Tackle. By "J. Bickerdyke". C. H. Wheeley. and F. G. Aflalo. London, George Newnes.
Alexander, H. and Co (1930). Fishing tackle. Edinburgh, Alexander Henry & Co.
Bernes, J. D., W. Van Wyck, et al. (1933). A Treatise on Fishing with a Hook attributed to Dame Juliana Berners. Rendered into modern English by William Van Wyck. New York, Van Rees Press.
Bickerdyke, J., C. H. Wheeley, et al. (1904). How to buy fishing tackle, London.
Bradford, C. (1916). The determined angler and the brook trout; an anthological volume of trout fishing, trout histories, trout lore, trout resorts, and trout tackle. New York [etc.], G. P. Putnam's sons.
Calne, L. S. (1949). North American fresh water sport fish; description & habits, fishing tackle & methods. New York, A.S. Barnes.
Cook, C. B. (1917). Lake and stream game fishing: a practical book on the popular fresh-water game fish, the tackle necessary and how to use it. Cincinnati, Stewart & Kidd company.
Curtis, E. S. (1929). Kaiak with seal hunting equipment, Nunivak.
Davis Frederick, M. (1927). An Account of the Fishing Gear of England and Wales. Revised edition, London.
Davis Frederick, M. (1937). An Account of the Fishing Gear of England and Wales. Third edition. Revised, 1936, London.
Fishing, R. (1921). Fishing Rods and Tackle; making and mending. With. illustrations, London.
Foster, W. L. (1945). Fishing Tackle. Third edition. London, "Bazaar Exchange & Mart" Office.
Foster, W. L. (1948). Fishing Tackle. Fourth edition. London, "Bazaar Exchange & Mart" Office.
Foster, W. L. (1949). Fishing tackle: Making & repairing. London, [s.n.].
Foster, W. L. and R. Clapham (1941). Fishing Tackle. Modern improvements in angling gear, with instructions on tackle-making for the amateur. With. illustrations and an additional chapter on tackle repairing by Richard Clapham. London, "Bazaar Exchange & Mart" Office.
Frazer, P. D. (1914). Fishing tackle. New York, Outing publishing company.
Frazer Perry, D. (1922). Fishing Tackle, etc. New York, Macmillan Co.
Great Britain. Patent, O. and C. Queen Elizabeth (1902). Patents for inventions: abridgements of specifications. London, Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office.
Gudger, E. W. (1927). Wooden hooks used for catching sharks and Ruvettus in the South Seas: a study of their variation and distribution. New York, Museum of Natural History.
Henry, M. and Sons (1938). Milward's fishing tackle. [Redditch, Henry Milward & Sons.
Herrington, W. C. (1935). Modifications in gear to curtail the destruction of undersized fish in otter trawling. Washington, U. S. Govt. print. off.
Herter, G. L. (1949). Professional fly tying and tackle making manual and manufacturers' guide; authentic fly tying dictionary of popular patterns and a complete outline of fishing entomology. [Waseca? Minn.
Hollis, H. C. (1945). Bass tackle & tactics. New York, A. S. Barnes and company.
Jones, B. E. (1921). Fishing rods and tackle: making and mending; with about 200 illustrations. London; New York, Cassell and Company, Ltd.
Kask, J. L. (1947). Japanese fishing gear. [Tokyo], General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.
Kask, J. L. (1947). Japanese fishing gear. [Tokyo], General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.
Knight, J. A. (1949). Fresh water tackle. Chicago, Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.
Lagercrantz, S. (1934). Fish-hooks in Africa and their distribution. Stockholm, Riksmuseets etnografiska avdelning.
Leslie, E., J. Goodwin, et al. (1915). She goes out a-fishing: (with her hook and her line). New York, Maurice Abrahams Music Co.
Major, H. (1948). Salt Water Fishing Tackle. Revised edition, etc. New York, Funk & Wagnalls Co.
Major, H., A. Livenais, Jr., et al. (1939). Salt water fishing tackle. New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls company.
Malloch, P. D. (1932). Fishing rods and tackle, [S.l.].
Money, A. W., H. Kephart, et al. (1904). Guns, ammunition, and tackle. New York, London, The Macmillan Company.
Reeve, E. G. (1939). Salmon fishing with the plug. London, [s.n.].
Riley, E. J. L. (1931). Fishing tackle catalogue. 1931, Accrington.
Rivett-Carnac, S. G. (1908). Mahseer tackle. Allahabad, Pioneer Press.
Rodman, O. H. P. (1948). The saltwater fisherman's favorite four. New York, W. Morrow.
Rollo, W. K. (1933). Fly Fishing: practical hints on the sport and choice of tackle and water. London, H. F. and G. Witherby Limited.
Scofield, W. L. (1947). Drift and set line fishing gear in California. [Sacramento, California State Print Off.].
Scofield, W. L. (1948). Trawling gear in California. [Sacramento, California State Print Off.].
Sharp, A. (1931). The lure of the float. London, H. Jenkins.
Smith, O. W. (1920). Casting tackle and methods. Cincinnati, Stewart & Kidd company.
Steel, F. R. (1946). Fishing tackle digest. Paul, Richmond & company: v.
Tapply, H. G. (1946). Tackle tinkering. [New York], A. S. Barnes & company.
Thommen, G. V. (1949). Spinning reels & tackle. New York, O. Durrell.
United States Tariff Commission. (1937). Report to the United States Senate on nets and netting and other fishing gear. Under the general provision of section 332, title III, part II, Tariff act of 1930, in compliance with Senate resolution 165, dated February 1, 1934. Washington, U. S. Govt. print. off.
United States. National recovery administration. [from old catalog] (1933). Code of fair competition for the fishing tackle industry as approved on August 19, 1933. Washington, U. S. Govt. print. off.
Walton, I. (1901). The complete angler: and, The lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert and Sanderson. New York, Macmillan and Co.
Wells, H. P. (1901). Fly-rods and fly-tackle. New York and London, Harper & brothers.
Wielder (1922). Fishing Tackle. Modern improvements in angling gear. By "Wielder." With. illustrations. London, Bazaar, Exchange & Mart.
Worde Wynkyn, d., W. Van Wyck, et al. (1933). A treatise on fishing with a hook. [Croton-on-Hudson, NY], North River Press: [distributed by Caroline House Press].