Fishing Tackle Books Published between 1600-2005 The best fishing tackle and fishing gear book collection on the web! |
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Aflalo, F. G. (1891). Sea-fishing on the English coast: a manual of practical instruction on the art of making and using sea-tackle: with a full account of the methods in vogue during each month of the year: and a detailed guide for sea-fishermen to all the most popular watering-places on the English coast. London, L. Upcott Gill.
Andrews, G. H. and C. London County (1890). Notes having reference to fishing grounds, fishermen, fishing vessels, fishing gear, fish transit, markets, fish salesmen, fishmongers, and fish consumers: with a proposals for a new central market, London.
Angler (1854). The young angler's companion. Giving a description of all the different methods of angling, the best baits and tackle, as well as the times and seasons for using them, etc. [London], Printed and published by James March, 11 & 12, Webber Street, Blackfriars' Road.
Best, T. (1789). A concise treatise on the art of angling: Confirmed by actual experience, and minute observations. To which is added the compleat fly-fisher. The second edition, corrected and enlarged, by Thomas Best, Gent. London, printed for C. Stalker, and may be had at all booksellers and fishing tackle shops in town and country.
Box William, H. (1858). Remarks on the New Patent Hook in Sea Fishing. Redditch, T. Hemming & Son.
Cholmondeley-Pennell, H. (1865). The book of the pike: a practical treatise on the various methods of jack fishing; with an analysis of the tackle employed--the history of the fish, & c. Also a chapter on spinning for trout in lakes and rivers. London, R. Hardwicke.
Cook, C. H. (1889). Angling for pike: a practical and comprehensive work on the most approved methods of fishing for pike or jack; including an account of some new tackles for spinning, live-baiting, and trolling. London, L. U. Gill.
Cotton, C. (1676). The compleat angler: being instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream: part II. London, printed for Richard Marriot, and Henry Brome.
Cummins, W. J. (1878). Catalogue of Salmon and Trout Rods. Fishing Tackle, and every Requisite for an Angler, etc, Bishop Auckland.
Hofe Edward Vom & co. incl. [from old catalog] (1896). Illustrated catalogue. fine fishing tackle. [New York.
Holdsworth Edmund William, H. (1874). Deep-sea fishing and fishing boats.: An account of the practical working of the various fisheries around the British Islands, with illustrations and descriptions of the boats, nets, and other gear in use. By Edmund W.H. Holdsworth. London, Edward Stanton, 6, 7, & 8, Charing Cross Road, S.W.
Huish, R. and H. Price (1830). The modern angler: containing the most esteemed methods of angling for every species of pond and river fish, a description of the proper baits for each, with the means of procuring them, and directions for the use of tackle: comprising also original and interesting information in all the principal branches of the art. Derby, Published by Thomas Richardson, Simpkin, Marshall and Co., London, and all other booksellers.
Keene, J. H. (1887). Fishing tackle, its materials and manufacture: a practical guide to the best modes and methods of making every king of appliance necessary for taking freshwater fish, and for the equipment of the angler and fly-fisher, London.
Keene John, H. (1892). Fishing Tackle and how to make it.
Keene John, H. (1894). The Boy's own Guide to Fishing, Tackle-making and Fish-breeding. Illustrated. by L. E. Shanks. Boston [Mass.], Lee & Shepard.
Kenworthy, C. J. (1884). The fishing grounds of Florida. Tackle and lures.
Louis Xiv, K. o. F. and P. France (1653). Recueil des edicts et declarations: leuës & publiées en Parlement le roy y seant le dernier decembre mil six cens cinquante-deux. A Paris, Par les imprimeurs & libraires ordin. du Roy.
Lover of his countrey and well-wisher to the prosperity both of the King and, k. (1673). The grand concern of England explained; in several proposals offered to the consideration of the Parliament: 1. For payment of publick debts. 2. For advancement and encouragement of trade. 3. For raising the rents of lands. In order whereunto, it is proved necessary, I. That a stop be put to further buildings in and about London. II. That the gentry be obliged to live some part of the year in the countrey. III. That registers be setled in every county. IV. That an Act for naturalizing all foreign Protestants, and indulging them, and His Majesties subjects at home, in matters of conscience, may be passed. V. That the Act prohibiting the importation of Irish cattel, may be repealed. VI. That brandy, coffee. mum, tea, and chocolata, may be prohibited. VII. That the multitude of stage-coaches and caravans may be suppressed. VIII. That no leather may be exported un-manufactured. IX. That a court of conscience be setled for Westminster, and all the suburbs of London, and in every city and corporation in England. X. That the extravagant habits and expence of all persons may be curbed; the excessive wages of servants and handicrafts-men may be reduced, and all foreign manufactures may be prohibited. XI. That it may be lawful to assign bills, bonds, and other securities; and that a course be taken to prevent the knavery of bankrupts. XII. That the Newcastle-trade for coals may be managed by commissioners, to the ease of the subjects, and great advantage of the publick. XIII. That the fishing-trade may be vigorously prosecuted, all poor people set at work to make fishing-tackle, and be paid out of the money collected every year for the poor, in the several parishes in England. London, [s.n.].
March, J. and J. March (1853). The seventh edition of The jolly angler; or Water side companion: Containing an account of all the best places for angling, as well as the tackle, baits, & other requisites to form an expert angler: with a correct description of tying hooks, making artificial flies, repairing tackle, &c. The whole illustrated with eighty wood engravings. London, printed and published by J. March.
Mascall, L., J. Berners, et al. (1600). A booke of fishing with hooke and line, and of all other instruments thereununto belonging: another of sundrije engines and traps, to take polcats, buzzards, rats, mice, and all other kinds of vermine and beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all warriners, and such as delight in this kind of sport and pastime. London, Printed by Iohn Wolfe, and are to bee sold by Edward VVhite, dwelling at the little North dore of Paules at the signe of the Gun.
Mascall, L., T. o. D. H. Satchell, et al. (1884). A Booke of Fishing with hooke and line. London, W. Satchell & Co.
Monilaws, J. L. (1877). Mr Stewart's worm tackle: its worth, with some remarks upon worm-fishing on Tweed. Peebles, J. Watson.
Norris, T. (1865). The American angler's book: embracing the natural history of sporting fish and the art of taking them, with instructions in fly-fishing, fly-making and rod-making; to which is added, dies piscatoriæ, describing noted fishing-places and the pleasure of solitary fly-fishing, with a supplement containing descriptions of salmon rivers, inland trout fishing, etc., etc. CIHM/ICMH Microfiche series = CIHM/ICMH collection de microfiches; no. 50313. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates.
Olsen, O. T. (1883). The piscatorial atlas of the North Sea, English and St. George's Channels: illustrating the fishing ports, boats, gear, species of fish and other information concerning fish and fisheries. Grimsby, Olsen.
Patterson, A. H. and S. C. Blake (1891). Fish-hook and float: salt water fishing and fresh water angling round about Yarmouth; a book for the visitor angler. Great Yarmouth, Stuart C. Blake, printer.
Pennell Harry, C. (1887). Modern improvements in Fishing Tackle and Fish Hooks. Illustrated, etc. London, Sampson Low & Co.
Pennell, H. C. (1862). Spinning tackle: what it is, and what it ought to be, with a few words on fine fishing, London.
Pennell, H. C. (1887). Modern improvements in fishing tackle and fish hooks: by H. Cholmondeley-Pennell. Illustrated by 250 wood engravings. London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, Crown Buildings.
Pollard, R. (1802). The new and complete angler; or, Universal fisherman: containing the most approved instructions for, and modern methods, of breeding fish.: together with cursory remarks, including several curious and original observations. London, Printed for Alex. Hogg. by S. Couchman.
Pollok, F. W. T. (1879). Sport in British Burmah, Assam, and the Cassyah and Jyntiah hills: with notes of sport in the hilly districts of the northern division, Madras Presidency, indicating the best localities in those countries for sport, with natural history notes, illustrations of the people, scenery, and game, together with maps to guide the traveller or sportsman, and hints on weapons, fishing-tackle, etc., best suited for killing game met with in those provinces. London, Chapman and Hall.
Robertson, J. F. T. M. (1861). The hand-book of angling for Scotland and the Border counties, London.
Royal Company for the Fishery in, S. (1670). The names of the members of the Fishing Society, anno 1670. [Edinburgh, s.n.
Salter, T. F. (1820). The troller's guide: a new and complete practical treatise on the art of trolling or fishing for jack and pike, illustrated with numerous cuts of hooks, baits, tackle, &c.: to which is added the best method of baiting and laying lines for large eels. London, [Printed by T. Carpenter & Son].
Saunders, J. (1724). The compleat fisherman: Being a large and particular account of all the several ways of fishing now practised in Europe. More particularly calculated for the sport of angling. With directions for preparing the angle rods, lines, hooks, and baits. Also, an account of all the principal rivers, lakes, &c. in England, and what kinds of fish are more especially found in them. Collected from the best authors. London, W. Mears, S. Tooke and B. Motte.
Shipley, M. A. (1896). Price list of fishing rods and tackle, chalk and fishing lines, &c. [Philadelphia, Pa., M. A. Shipley.
Smith, J., R. P. O, et al. (1673). England's improvement reviv'd: In a treatise of all manner of husbandry & trade by land and sea. the several ways of improving all sorts of waste and barren grounds. the manner of planting all sorts of timber-trees. the way of ordering cattel, with several observations about sheep. dear, tame conies. experienced in thirty years practice, and digested into six books. London, printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Benjamin Southwood. and Israel Harrison.
Smith, S. A. f. t. R. F. and W. Godbid (1662). A directory for the managing of the royal trade of fishing with nets, hooks, and line, in an experimental way, for all those that shall employ a stock therin. London, Printed by William Godbid, over against the Blew Anchor in Little-Britain.
Stevenson, R. (1782). R. Stevenson, printer and bookseller, Newry, takes this method to acquaint his friends and customers. that he is well assorted with the following Articles for Sale. [Newry], [R. Stevenson].
Taylor, J. P. and W. Senior (1899). Fishing and fishers, London.
Theakston, M. (1853). A list of natural flies that are taken by trout, grayling, & smelt, in the streams of Ripon. Ripon, W. Harrison.
Thomas, H. S. (1873). The rod in India, being hints how to obtain sport with remarks on the natural history of fish, otters, etc. and illustrations of fish and tackle. Mangalore, C. Stolz.
Thomson, J. (1870). Pearl River, Kwangtung province, China.
Tolfrey, F. and J. Jones (1848). Jones's Guide to Norway and Salmon-Fishers Pocket Companion. Edited [or rather, written] by F. Tolfrey, London.
Van Doren Louis, O. (1884). The Fishes of the East Atlantic Coast that are caught with hook and line. including the fishes of the East Coast of Florida. By S. C. Clarke. (The Fishing grounds of Florida. Tackle and luros. By Dr. C. J. Kenworthy.-Al Fresco.) Illustrated. " New York, "The American Angler.
Walton, I. (1863). The Complete Angler. of Isaac Walton and C. Cotton. With lives of the authors [compiled from Sir J. Hawkins's Memoirs], and variorum notes. Edited by E. Jesse. To which are added papers on Fishing Tackle, Fishing Stations, etc. By H. G. Bohn, London.
Walton, I., C. Cotton, et al. (1861). The complete angler: or, The contemplative man's recreation. London, Bohn.
Walton, I., C. Cotton, et al. (1870). The complete angler, or The contemplative man's recreation of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. London, Bell and Daldy.
Wells, H. P. (1855). Fly rods and fly-tackle. New York, Harper & brothers.
Wheatley, H. (1849). The rod and line or, Practical hints and dainty devices for the sure taking of trout, graylings, etc. London, Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans.
Wilcocks, J. C. (1865). The sea-fisherman: or, Fishing pilotage: comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, a glance at nets, and remarks on boats and boating. Guernsey, Printed and published for the author by Stephen Barbet.
Wilcocks, J. C. (1875). The Sea-Fisherman: comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, and remarks on nets, boats, and boating. Illustrated. Second edition, much enlarged, and almost entirely rewritten, London.
Wilcocks, J. C. (1884). The sea-fisherman: comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, London.
Wright, C. (1862). Catalogue of Prices from Charles Wright, 376, Strand. Manufacturer of fishing tackle, archery, &c., of every description, etc. [London], John Such.