Patents Books Published between 2000-2005 The best intellectual property book collection on the web! |
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Carvalho, N. P. d. (2005). The TRIPS regime of patent rights. The Hague
Frederick, MD, Kluwer Law International;
Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen Publishers.
Curtis, G. T. (2005). A treatise on the law of patents for useful inventions. Clark, N.J., Lawbook Exchange.
Dasgupta, B. (2005). Globalisation: India's adjustment experience. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Sage Publications.
Donner, I. H. (2005). Patent prosecution: law, practice, and procedure. Washington, D.C., Bureau of National Affairs.
DuBoff, L. D. (2005). The law (in plain English) for crafts. New York, Allworth Press.
Goldstein, A. N. (2005). Patent law for scientists and engineers. Boca Raton, Taylor & Francis.
Grissom, F. E. and D. Pressman (2005). The inventor's notebook: a "Patent it yourself" companion. Berkeley, CA, Nolo.
Gross, M. E., I. Feinberg, et al. (2005). Patent basics for the non-specialist. New York, NY, Practising Law Institute.
Hou, J. P. and Y. Jin (2005). The healing power of Chinese herbs and medicinal recipes. New York, Haworth Integrative Healing Press.
Hughes, R. T. and Canada. (2005). Patent legislation and commentary. Markham, Ont, LexisNexis Butterworths.
Khan, B. Z. (2005). The democratization of invention: patents and copyrights in American economic development, 1790-1920. New York, Cambridge University Press.
Lo, J., D. Pressman, et al. (2005). How to make patent drawings: a "Patent it yourself companion". Berkeley, Calif., Nolo.
Macrina, F. L. (2005). Scientific integrity: text and cases in responsible conduct of research. Washington, D.C., ASM Press.
Matthews, R. A. (2005). Annotated patent digest. [St. Paul, Minn.], Thomson/West: v. (loose-leaf).
Mertha, A. C. (2005). The politics of piracy: intellectual property in contemporary China. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press.
Mills, O. (2005). Biotechnological inventions: moral restraints and patent law. Aldershot, Hants, England; Burlington, VT, Ashgate.
Mitchell, H. C. (2005). The intellectual commons: toward an ecology of intellectual property. Lanham, Md., Lexington Books.
Moore, C. L. (2005). Developing a patent strategy: infringment, litigation, and protections for businesses. Boston, MA, Aspatore Books.
Mullins, C. E. (2005). Cardiac catheterization in congenital heart disease: pediatric and adult. Malden, Mass., Blackwell Futura.
Niazi, S. (2005). Handbook of biogeneric theraupetic proteins: regulatory, manufacturing, testing, and patent issues. Boca Raton, Taylor & Francis.
Popp, D. and National Bureau of Economic Research. (2005). "They don't invent them like they used to
an examination of energy patent citations over time." from
"This paper uses patent citation data to study flows of knowledge across time and across institutions in the field of energy research. Popp (2002) finds the level of energy-saving R&D depends not only on energy prices, but also on the quality of the accumulated knowledge available to inventors. Patent citations are used to represent this quality. This paper explores the pattern of citations in these fields more carefully. I find evidence for diminishing returns to research inputs, both across time and within a given year. To check whether government R&D can help alleviate potential diminishing returns, I pay special attention to citations to government patents. Government patents filed in or after 1981 are more likely to be cited. More importantly, descendants of these government patents are 30 percent more likely to be cited by subsequent patents. Earlier government research was more applied in nature and is not cited more frequently"--National Bureau of Economic Research web site.
Rogers, J. L. (2005). The complete patent kit. Naperville, Ill., Sphinx Pub.
Savage, M. (2005). Liberalism is a mental disorder: Savage solutions. Nashville, Nelson Current.
Sinha, Y., K. Swain, et al. (2005). Patent bill: debate in parliament. New Delhi, Bharatiya Janata Party.
Trope, R. L. and G. E. Upchurch (2005). Checkpoints in cyberspace: best practices to avert liability in cross-border transactions. Chicago, Section of Business Law, American Bar Association.
United States. Patent and Trademark Office. (2005). Trademark manual of examining procedure: TMEP. [Alexandria, Va.?]
Washington, DC, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office;
For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Office.
Vic-Vincent, V. N. (2005). Patent, protect, produce and profit: from your ideas and inventions yourself! Gulf Breeze, FL, Vic-Vincent Pub.
Wijk, L. v. (2005). There may be trouble ahead: a practical guide to effective patent asset management. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press.